urban vein is developed by hao lee for the computational design practices program at gsapp columbia. the project was guided by (in semester & alphabetical orders) william martin, violet witney, laura kurgan, snoweria zhang, catherine griffith, and seth thompson.
urban vein explores new york city through its building materials—their composition, distribution, and transformation. it examines what exists, what is being lost, and what should be built. urban vein is a lens into the city's evolving urban identity.
this map utilizes machine learning to analyze nyc buliding data from public sources and inferred the building archetypes to create a material dataset. each dot represents a specific building material, like steel, for a grouping of bulidings.
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nyc buliding material estimate data
by hao lee
nyc pluto data
by nyc department of city planning
nyc building footprints
by nyc opendata
new york state civil boundaries
by new york state gis resources
coastline (2012) of new jersey
by njdep bureau of gis
nyc gis zoning features
by the department of city planning (dcp)
nyc subway lines
by the metropolitan transportation authority (mta)
construction demolition registrants
by nyc opendata
geospatial data for bedrock elevation and overburden thickness maps of the five boroughs, new york city, new york
by laura m.demott, frederick stumm, and jason s. finkelstein, in cooperation with the new york city department of design and construction
one of the key challenges of this project was to develop a clear and effective visual style for overlaying multiple layers of material information onto a single map. the goal was to ensure that users could easily distinguish and interact with each layer. the visualization process was mainly conducted in qgis, culminating in a web presentation format using d3.js.
this is the poster for the Colloquium II end-of-semester review, designed as a 24" x 36" printed piece.
this is colloquium i's project website, which consists of two material-related speculative projects, booleanify and balloonify.
climate-conflict-vulnerability index
by moritz stefaner
by bungie
g4dp f24 precedent presentations
are.na channel curated by the fall '24 gis for design practices group at gsapp columbia
gis for design practices
by dare brawley and mario giampieri
mapping historical new york
by center for spatial research
asian american dot density map
by jia zhang
nyc construction dashboard 2022
by dob analytics
city-scale assessment of the material and environmental footprint of buildings using an advanced building information model: a case study from canberra, australia
by natthanij soonsawad, raymundo marcos-martinez, and heinz schandl
materials passports - best practices
by matthias heinrich and werner lang
estimating the recoverable value of in-situ building materials
by aida mollaei, chris bachmann, and carl haas
rsmeans data
by gordian
by circularise
by zillow
roadmap 2050
by oma
originally created by volodymyr agafonkin
by mike bostock and observable, inc.
by alex raichev at mrcagney
by evert timberg and github contributors
by lebedev konstantin and github contributors
by naotoshi fujita
using materials to identify key decisions in city planning and urban development.
demolition activity from the 1980s to 2023.
what is urban vein? why is it important?
concrete foundations.
the carbon footprint of our built environment.
identifying material clusters.